Saturday, January 9, 2010

Coming To an End...

So it's Saturday morning and I am getting ready to do 2 shows. After today we have another 2 show day then we are DONE. It's been a ride. We got a letter from our producer the other that really put this tour in perspective.

Letter from Michael Brenner:

Dear Friends, On Sunday the first leg of this season's WEST SIDE STORY will end - after having performed 180 great shows to raving audiences and press around the world.

To get to the 16 cities where we have performed in the last 31 weeks, we
used 3 different scenic sets simultaneously leapfrogging around the globe via sea, air and over land.

To get permission to perform in the 8 countries we went, we filed over 650
work permits and visa. We booked over 800 flights and countless coaches, cars and trains.

We used nearly 3,500 hotel nights (meaning a single person could live in a
hotel for almost 10 years).

The tour travelled over 60,000 km (37,300 miles) which equals more than
1.5 times around the equator - truly justifying bearing the title "World Tour".

Thank you very much for all your passion, hard effort and great team work
to make this happen. We are looking forward to the 2nd leg and wishing you all a very Happy New Year!

Michael Brenner

I thought this letter was cool. It was a great tour but now I am ready to move on. Monday I will land in of opportunities. YES! What will lie ahead!?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I Just saw this moveie last night and I love it. It was so intense. I was very upset at most of the movie. I just feel like I know Precious the girl in the movie. People who have to go through that kind of hardship and trials in life really shouldn't have to. It really made me appreciate the quality of life that I have now. This movie even though does end with some sort of hope it still leaves you thinking and maybe a little empty. I do suggest it though.

Monday, January 4, 2010


One more week left and only 8 shows left. Then I go back to NYC. I am excited to get back.

I can't help but to reflect on 2009 and see everything I did. What a year! That just gets me even more excited to see what this year has in-store for me. I am excited to tackle it. I do have a good feeling this is going to be a great year.

I will move into a new apartmetn right on Central Park North which technically is Harlem. I will have my own room living with 2 other LDS guys. I will be hitting the auditions hard and probably collecting unemployment until I find a job. Other than that I am just going to see what life has to offer.

Right when I get back I think I am going to need to detox for a while and ease my way back to "normal" life with auditions, church, and friends. With touring and this role of Chino it will be nice to not do anything for a while. I think when I get back I will just focus on getting my room together. Paint, get furniture, decorate and stuff like that so I can make it my OWN. I am so OVER having a ROOMMATE! No offense to any roommates I had over the year but it will be nice to have my own space ;)

Here is to finishing a great tour where I grew alot as an actor and as a person. Seeing all these amazing places has truly changed me. I am so blessed. This world is full of great places and people. I will never forget this experience.

So here is the furniture I think I am going to buy from a friend which I won't be able to get until Feb. But patience is a virtue. I guess I will be sleeping in an empty room on an air mattress until then ;)Here is my new bedroom that I will be empty when I get there Jan 11th.Some other pics of the apartment.