Believe it or not I took this picture in Tokyo. There is a replica of the French gift to the United States The Statue of Liberty in this area of Tokyo call Odiaba. I've heard about it but haven't had a chance to check it out for myself until last weekend. It was crazy when I finally approached it. There were these feelings that came over me. I guess being that this statue represent so much I really felt the impact it had on me when I saw it even though I was in a far far far asian island called Japan. I also thought it was interesting that they had it up with the history we the US had with the Japanese. I know everything is fine now but still a little interesting. It is actually outside this great mall where I found a Red Lobster, Sizzler where I had lunch(I love salad bars) and a Cinnabon which was a really hard temptation to say no to. I had already eaten ice cream that day and just couldn't find it in me to have a huge Cinnabon. But I will be back there soon enough and it will be a party! I can't wait.
Anyway, I also went to a place where I think if my nephew Andrew knew where I was he would pee his pants. Yes, I went to the Pokemon Center in Tokyo and as far as I know is the only one still open. I could be completely wrong. But I know there was only one in the US in NYC but that closed down and turned into Nintendo World or something. Needless to say, if he is a really good boy and when he graduates from 5th grade...he might get some really cool Pokemon stuff that you can only get here in Tokyo at this store. If my sister is reading this, you can tell him about it or keep it a surprise. I am really doing this so I can gain a "cool" uncle status. I hope this works:)
Time is winding down. March 3rd will be the month mark for me to fly back to the good ole US of A. My birthday is coming up next week aslo. March 1st if any of you forgot! ha! I can't believe another year has almost passed since my last one. It is true what they say about how your birthdays keep coming quicker and quicker the older you get. I remember in my YOUTH......when birthdays were such a big deal and you couldn't what when they would come and hated when they would leave. I just want them to stop and never show its face again. Ha! Actually I don't care again aint nothing but a number. I still feel young, new and have a whole world out there for me to explorer. I also want to take this time to give a shout out to my other nephew Chad who is closer to my age than the other. He has a birthday just 2 days before mine on the 28th. Happy Freakin' Birthday! And don't worry no Pokemon Center stuff for you but I will still try to find something just as cool.