Saturday, July 4, 2009

Day at the ZOO/Aquarium of Madrid

We went to the Zoo/Aquarium for one of our cast member's birthday(Chad). About 7 of us came along.....and it was a BLAST! I had such a great time. I call this the Disneyland syndrome. I feel like when you go there you get transported to your childhood and you feel like a kid again. That's how I felt when I went to the Zoo Aquarium yesterday. I loved every second of it.

Here are some of the pictures that were taken. I can't take any credit for the picture taken. Oneika took my camera and went to town taking over 250 pictures of the beauty that was found at the Zoo Aquarium yesterday. I am only sharing about 75 in this album and a video of THE SHARKS. Take a peek.

Zoo Aquarium de Madrid

1 comment:

Unknown said...

did you visit the giant panda as well? they are so lovely as well!
Here I bought a cuddly panda bag (L) that I can hardly put it down!
I believe it is a GREAT find for every panda fanatic!
Flor (