Thursday, November 12, 2009


This week has been going well. My energy seems to be sustaining. I have been sleeping in more and drinking more water which seems to be helping.

So update on music. I have been looking for some music cause my music library is getting TIRED. And I am found a love for Rascal Flatts. They are a country band with a pop twist. I like them alot. I have also downloaded OWL CITY which I am not sure I like yet and Leona Lewis's new album which is ok. I like some of her songs. But I think my favorite album right now is a band that has been around and that I love to death which came out with a new album recently. TRAIN -Save Me San Francisco. I really like their sound. Keeps me entertained on my walks to and from the theatre.

One of my favorite songs off the album:

Stay Tuned....for important information. Tonight we have a company meeting about our 2nd leg. So far all we know is that we are booked till Jan 10th. This meeting is going to tell what is going to tell us what is to happen after that date. I am excited to know what my immediate future holds ;)

1 comment:

April said...

Is it bad that I want you to be done by the end of March so you can come to my wedding?!